My Services
My Services
The basis for implementing the right measures
My clients’ challenges are manifold. Economic problems require systematic reorientationor reorganisation, financial departments need to be “tidied up” or international business needs to be brought under control. Process reorganisation, risk management, the elimination of administrative shortcomings or also the fulfilment of compliance requirements are also on the agenda.
However, I often deal with special projects beyond normal day-to-day business operations. New solutions have to be found and often implemented swiftly with a sense of proportion. Even in these situations, I assist companies with clear results-based implementation.

My Services
Restructuring & Reorganisation
- Overall analysis of the initial situation
- Evaluation of potential and quick wins
- Action planning and definition of priorities
- Implementation of measures
- Tight cost and cash management
- Adaptation of the structure and workflow organisation
- Negotiations with the works council and social partners
- Liquidation / spin-off of parts of the companies / out-/insourcing
Mergers & acquisitions and post-merger integration
- Preparation of companies for sale
- Management of the sale process
- Conduct of or assistance with sales negotiations
- Transition to new management / shareholders
- Post-merger integration
Reorientation and growth
- Reorientation
- Internal structures
- Market / product orientation
- Positioning
- Establishment / turnaround / reconstruction
- Establishment and anchoring of processes in the organisation (e.g. compliance)
- Preparation for and implementation of investment programs
- Process innovations (technical / commercial)
- Increase profitability
- Change of management culture (and personnel development)
- Staff restructuring
Creating a base:
- Creating transparency throughout all departments, especially in Accounting, Finance / Liquidity Planning, Order Invoicing and Project Financial Control and Compliance
- Definition of fields of action and time frames for the implementation of measures
- Establishment of a meaningful finance and accounting system including financial controlling with reliable reporting tools (e.g. cost centres, order settlement or consortium accounting)
- Stakeholder management: creation of transparency for stakeholders (e.g. shareholders, banks, credit insurers, Works Council)
- Change management: involvement of managers and employees in the change process via project teams
- Process management: organisation, optimisation and redefinition of processes and their implementation in the ERP system
- Streamlined project management: milestones, cost and budget control, KPIs, creation of control loops
Client & Industry focus
Types of companies
- SMEs
- Family-owned businesses
- Mid-sized corporations and their subsidiaries
- Internationally orientated businesses
- Machine and plant engineering
- - Special engineering
- - Automation
- - Related fields
- Automotive
- Equity and financing companies
- Aviation and related services
- Tourism and event business

»Specific experience in an industry is of indisputable value. However, new momentum tends to come from someonewith experience of companies in other sectors. This opens up new opportunities and provides new perspectives.«
Christian Lotze