Operational management as CEO after the transfer of Managing Director to another group company
Pressure vesselmanufacturing company (liquid gas containers, heat exchangers)
10/2017 bis 02/2018
Knapp 20 Mio. €
Ca. 100
Client situation leading to appointment of Interim Manager:
Interim replacement of CEO after the transfer of Managing Director within the group
Customer base
- Liquid gas merchants
- Heating installers
Subsidiary of a publicly listed Dutch corporation
Area of responsibility:
Interim management until recruiting of new managing director
- Implementation of a massive price adjustment
- ISO 9001 and 14001 re-certification
- Realisation of a larger investment (pressure vessel welding plant)
- Revision of the paint shop
- Elimination of massive maintenance shortcomings
- Promotion of occupational health and safety and tidiness in the company
- Handling of a larger recall
- Effective and trustful collaboration with managers and commercial employees
Special challenge:
Short period of familiarisation with the technical requirements of the welding plant and the processes within the Dutch corporation